Anand Madhvani
Work in South Africa
People and Places

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Victoria Falls
Our main excursion while in Zimbabwe was to Victoria Falls, up on the northern border with Zambia.
Despite a long hot journey to get there, and problems with money, food and accomodation, the falls were breathtaking enough to make it worth the trouble.

just awestruck!

Some of us made an early morning visit to the park by the Zambezi river (above) and saw some animals.

Fences were being erected to stop people crossing the border here, but it was unclear if this would affect the elephants. We didn't see any near the crossing, which is normally a good place to find them.

above right: Aelfie's favourite tree / strangling fig
he was keen to get a picture of it, hence the marker

below: plaque from the 1991 CHOGM (Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting) summit at Victoria Falls. Zimbabwe pulled out of the Commonwealth as we went to Victoria Falls. This was a remnant of more hopeful times.

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