Anand Madhvani Work in South Africa People and Places Wildlife Map Contact Me
Work in South Africa - Sept. 2002-4
I'm just finished working in Johannesburg for two years, supporting work in different communities on trust, violence, languages and cultural diversity for a church-based service organisation, Quaker Peace and Social Witness. I'm not a Quaker, but they do good work, and have values I share.
QPSW Journal Letters from South Africa
no. 8 - September 2004
Looking back on two years in South Africa, taking stock

homeless community in a derelict Johannesburg building
no. 7 - June 2004
South Africa's third democratic elections, after ten years of political freedom

voters in quiet queues - Johannesburg suburbs
no. 6 - March 2004
Young Friends workcamp in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe - comparing history since independance with Kenya and South Africa

young Friends workcamp group in Gabarone
no. 5 - December 2003
AVP in prisons, meeting Alfred, Theresa and Ron Watts, urban agriculture

admiring the crops in Alfred’s garden, and comparing techniques
no. 4 - September 2003
pressures of growth, and work to streamline AVP organisation

school exchange between a white suburb and a black township
no. 3 - June 2003
AVP workshops, thoughts on mission, emotional best practice, and the best parts of cultures [full version]

graduation at Aha Thuto, the township school I am focussing on
no.2 - March 2003
homestay in Soweto

my host family in Soweto – Corlette, Gogo and Ginger (the dog)
no.1 - December 2002
first impressions and expectations

youth workshop clearing rubbish from an informal settlement