Anand Madhvani
Work in South Africa
People and Places

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A visit to Cape Town
During my first few weeks, I went to Cape Town to collect my QPSW car, and ended up staying for two weeks to help with a large workshop. I learned a lot from the work, and it was also a great chance to see more of Cape Town, which is an extraordinary place.
Table Mountain
The 'Youth Peace Academy' I helped facilitate was a week long event for around two hundred young people from different parts of South Africa, organised by the Quaker Peace Centre, Peace Jam Foundation, and the Institute for the Healing of Memories. We explored issues around good citizenship, and did some practical work in one of the settlements.
street cleaning
our team spontaneously decided to spread the word!
street cleaning
cleaning the streets of rubbish
in an 'informal settlement' (slum)
working hard
street cleaning
working hard
our skilled and dedicated team of facilitators, working flat out as you can see!

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